Friday, June 19, 2015



In a lighter vein

In waiting room of a psychiatrist
Receptionist: “You seem to be here for the first time. Are you an agent or a patient?”
Patient: “I am rather impatient!”
Receptionist: “Tell that to the doctor. Your number is 23”

Foreigner Economist: “Is India moving towards a free economy?”
Lay-person: “No Sir. In fact more and more things are being charged

Logician: “Round Square, Oblique Square are all contradictions”
Engineer: “Oblique Square is lesser a contradiction”
Logician: “What can be lesser in a contradiction?”
Engineer: “the cost of repairing the contradiction, Sir.”

Shop-keeper: I have given you all items as per your list
Customer     : That’s fine but where is Free-Cholesterol that I am supposed
                       to get along with cooking oil!

Height of Homoeopathy: Birth control by ‘potentized’ semen.

Height of Sadism: Place & process are actually the same. ‘Victims’ are those 
who got hell & those who got heaven, ‘Persecutors’.

'Missed call' is a misnomer.  Call hits metering is missed.


     Only option is no option
     Therefore 1 = 0

Nobody is perfect
I am nobody
Therefore, I am perfect!

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