Friday, July 17, 2015

set -9

Oxymoron is a figure of speech wherein the literal meaning amounts to logical contradiction. However slightly shifted suggestive meaning (Lakshnaarth) is not a logical contradiction but contains subtle truth in it with some humor.

False Oxymoron is not a logical contradiction even if taken literally. Find out as to which of the following are true oxymorons & which are false.

Example False Oxymoron: ‘Standard Table of Random Numbers’ appears logical contradiction. However such thing actually exists. It is stipulated to use it for sample selection in surveys.

Example of proper oxymoron: ‘Original Copy’, the original document is not a copy but as it comes along with set of copies it gets this funny name.

Please note that rhetoric suggestions like ‘Clean Politician’, ‘Collective responsibility’, ‘Humble IITian’, ‘Listening Husband’ are not included.

Mark as to which of the following are proper Oxymorons & which of them are false.
1)    Preaching Innocence
2)    Complementary Opposites
3)    Asymmetric Balance 
4)    Dynamic Equilibrium 
5)    Attraction of the forbidden
6)    Maintaining Spontaneity
7)    Impending Motion
8)    Agree to Differ
9)    Allowable Error
10)     Controlling Fortune
11)     Disinterested Delight
12)     Successful Retreat
13)     Only alternative 
14)     Polite Insistence
15)     Generous Duty
16)     Healthy Disregard
17)     Contrast Matching
18)     Attack is the best Defense

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