Friday, June 26, 2015

Get odd man (item) out

1)    (time spans of) Day, Week, Month, Year,

2)    Testes, Thyroid, Pituitary, Pancreas,

3)    Poles, Equator, date-line, Continents, Oceans

4)    Parashuram, Ram, Bheeshma, Puru,  Shravanbal

5)    Ace, Spade, Heart, Diamond, Club

6)    Height, Depth, Thickness, Width, Length, Breadth

7)    Caustic-Soda, Washing-Soda, Baking-Soda, Drinking-Soda

8)    Wine, Rum, Beer, Champagne, Taadi

9)    Sitar, Sarod, Saarangi, Violin, MohanVeena

10)  Envy, Jealousy, Spitefulness, Hatred

11) Weight, volume, Shape, Color, Texture

      12) Dislike, Aversion, Repulsion, Allergy     

Set-5 answers

Distinguish Between 

1)    Consultant & Counselor
2)      Permanence & Eternity
3)      Sign & Symbol
4)      Radical & Extremist
5)      Critical & Skeptic
6)      Mathematics & Statistics
7)      Vowels & Consonants
8)      Retaliation & Retribution
9)      Cause & Occasion

10)  Superfluous & Excessive


 1)1)    Consultant  = Tells how to achieve client’s goal
Counselor  = May appeal the client to reconsider his goals

2)    Permanence = Object endures all the Time
     Eternity       = Time axis becomes irrelevant

3)    Sign       = From signifier you can go to a specific meaning of signified
   Symbol = Meaning goes on broadening & including related  

4)    Radical     = Diagnoses the root cause of ailment.
    Extremist = Does not bother whether remedy is worse than ailment.

5)    Critical = Can stop believing
Skeptic = Cannot stop doubting

6)    Mathematics = deductively demonstrable & dimensionally           
                                homogeneous relations between continuous variables
     Statistics       = indices expressing properties of aggregated
                                occurrences of discrete events for inductive

7)    Vowels       = Continuous sound coming through varied shapes of
                          pathways created by stretching muscles of and around
    Consonants = discontinuous sound choked & released by hitting &
                            withdrawing various parts of the tongue on hind side of
                            palate, side teeth & cheeks, top palate, front palate,    
                            front teeth & lips; & using nasal release in some cases

8)    Retaliation  = Immediate & spontaneous reaction to assault
                             amounting to almost self-defense
    Retribution = Causing harm in a pre-meditated attempt to settle old

9)    Cause      = any factor contributing in occurrence of an event
    Occasion = preceding event which completes the congruence of all

10)Superfluous = redundant but may not be harmful may be useful in the
                                    event of unanticipated insufficiency
            Excessive    = Extra quantity causes harm



Excercises for clarity & brevity

Many a time we use two terms interchangeably but they contain a crucial difference. Some other pairs are such that we know that there is difference but we have not articulated it words. We can sharpen our ability to distinguish if we try our best to define both terms, with respect to each other, in minimum number of words. Please try to do it for pairs given below. My answers will be published on next Friday. My answers need not be the best ones. May be yours are still better. Please let me know as to where I need improvement.

1)  Explicability & Reducibility
2)  Inequality & Disparity
3)  Image & Concept
4)  Algorithmic & Intuitive
5)  Bending & Buckling
6)  “Objective” & “Descriptive”(Exam)
7)   Villain & Anti-Hero
8)  Anticipation & Prediction
9)  Solitude & Loneliness
10)  Insecure & Paranoid

Is Our True-Self a Non-Doer?

Geeta, especially in its first half, holds a position that the true core of our personalities is  Aatmaa. It’s translation is not soul but pure-witness, that which is conscious, but normally goes unnoticed in the contents of our consciousness. It’s turning to nothing else but itself alone is supposed to be the enlightenment and non-dependant happiness.

“The one who relinquishes all desires of mind and remains contented by the Aatmaa and in the Aatmaa is the ‘person with firm insight’ (SthitaPradnya)”---(2.55)  Aatma is unaffected and has no tendencies to act. (Avikaree and Akarta)  Although its presence is very obvious we keep on missing it, as we are engrossed in whatever concerns  us. So far so good!

The problem starts with the position of Geeta that we are not truly the doers of our actions and by implication are free from the responsibilities of our actions. This position is a-moral, to say the least.

Are we fooled when we consider ourselves as doers?
“All actions are completely done by the nature’s propensities. However the person who is under the spell of his Ego gets deceived to believe that he is the doer” ---(3.27)

Vimoodhaatma’ is translated as ‘person under spell’ and not as “pure witness coming under spell.” Because pure witness can not come under any spell. Vimoodhaatma is taken along the lines of Yatatmaa (endeavoring person) , Sanshyaatma (radical-skeptic person), Punyaatma (Meritorious person) and so on. Here the term Aatmaa does not come as ‘the pure witness’ but such and such type of person.

Similar assertion is made by Geeta at many places as,
“oh! Strong man! The philosophically knowledgeable person knows the constituents and propensities of nature and sees life as ‘propensities are acting upon propensities’ and does not get involved”—(3.28)

“It is Nature alone that is bringing about all actions and Aatmaa is not the doer, one who can see this is truly the seer.”—(13.29)
Let us accept this for the time being. Now the question arises as to which component of our personality is truly the doer?
According to Geeta there are five (as per 18.13) essential causes for any action and these are
“Substances, various implements (some have translated this as various faculties), various forms of efforts/attempts, the doer and the fifth one is fortuity”---(18.14)

Thus although the Nature is overall cause, its specific form which can be a doer is needed for action as is mentioned in the five specific causes of action.
Which constituent of nature has the ability to become a doer? For that let us see the list of constituents of Nature as given by Geeta
“Regulated-Nature (Apara-Prakruti) [As distinct from Creative Nature (Para-Prakruti)] is constituted by eight different constituents and which are Earth, Water, Fire, Wind, Sky, Mind, Intellect and Ego”

It is worth noting that Aatmaa does not appear in the eight causes so this is consistent with the above position. Five material elements would fit into ‘substances and implements’ amongst the five causes. Mind (Mana), Intellect (Budhdee) and Ego (Ahankaar) are the constituents in the ‘inner-apparatus’ (AntahKaran).

Mind is typically emotions vacillating in all directions and can be propelling action but not decisively determine it. Intellect has a property of making various options clear but cognitive clarity is not sufficient to push the effort. Even if a decision is rational as per intellect, it doesn’t have the power to execute itself. We have to gather our volition against other options which are to be foregone/rejected. The total self is an accumulation of all sorts of possible intentions. There has to be a decisive factor which identifies with particular option and puts the ‘weight of self’ behind that option. This function is carried out by Ego. We can be in two Minds but can not be in two Egos! It is Ego that stamps its ‘casting-vote’ in the hung parliament of Mind. This is internally ‘coercive’ and to some extent ‘alienating’, but you cannot remain ambivalent and have to accept this self-coercion. The factor that selectively identifies and shifts the weight is Ego.

Thus we can safely conclude that Ego is the Doer. Ahankar is the Karta.
Thus the person who thinks that I am the doer qua Ego is not fooled at all because qua Ego he is the Doer.
Nobody would ever say that the pure witness in me has done the action. Most of the people may not have heard that they have a pure-witness in them.
 ‘KartaAaham iti manyte’ means the person assumes that his Aham (Ego)
is Karta and he is absolutely right. There is absolutely no Vimoodhata (foolishness) about this.

How does it help the Doer even if there is a Seer who is not the Doer?  
Main contention is, any preaching which tries to give a solace by arguing that “the ‘real-you’ which is only witness and not the Doer”, is misleading. Drashta means one who sees. Karta means one who does. But the witness is seeing in the ‘scene’ that Ego is doer and is in problem. Solutions to the Doer’s problems must be given in Doer’s terms.

Even Lord, qua doer, had killed Kansa, Shishupala. Lord had, by a miracle supplied a perpetually extending clothing to wrap Draupadi when she was being stripped by Duhshasana. Thus even the seer in the Lord must have seen that the doer in him is doing these things. Lord had options as to how many times he would pardon Shishupala? Should he donate his army to Kauravas? Or should he create a temporary sun-set in order to bring out the hiding Jayadratha? Should attempt the defection of Karna and so on. He must have judged the merits and demerits in terms of his duty as particular person Krishna or God-incarnate of the Era. But these in their very essence  were actions and not mere events to be aware about.

Question is what Doer should do? Moreover how does he justify his action? How does he judge merits and demerits of the action? That is precisely where ethics comes in. Suspending judgment may be good for practicing meditation. Meditation can not be a substitute to ethics. The excuse, that you are not the doer but merely a seer (Sakshi), is a void excuse at least ethically. This category mistake is committed by Geeta in many of its parts. It evades the ethical question by invoking spiritual accomplishment.

Is Geeta consistent with its position that Aatmaa is Non-Doer?
In the first half of Geeta, roughly speaking, the position is held that Aatma is Non-Doer.
However in 15th chapter of Geeta, there are stanzas which deny this very position. In Chapter 15 which is about the ‘structure’ of God himself, it is clearly said that Aatmaa is the modicum (Ansh) of god which individualizes into a particular body. Moreover this modicum Aatmaa is affected as well as moved by the propensities of nature (Gunas

“Only those who have the complete knowledge of spirituality can see that it is individual Ataman who migrates from body to body or is in a steady state in a body or getting affected or being propelled by the propensities of nature; while fools (the confused) can not see this.”---(15.10)

“Those Yogis, can recognize this entity as their own core, if they try to recognize. However the people who are ‘not groomed in spirituality’ (Akrutatmanam) can not recognize it, however hard they may try to.”  (15.11)

This conception of Aatmaa is clearly different than the one held in earlier chapters. If pure-witness does not remain pure once lodged in a body, if it too is undergoing (Bhokta) and it too is moved by the propensities of nature and becomes active (Karta), the solace of Non-doer-ness is metaphysically void too.

Aatmaa of Jain Darshan is the entity which Does as well as Undergoes (Karta and Bhokta) but then this is a terminological issue, function of Ahankar is also included in Jain-Aatmaa.

Geeta is invoking Sankhya-Drarshan’s Aatmaa in the earlier chapters and now almost invoking Aatmaa of jain Darshan (except that Jain Aatmaas are multiple and Geeta’s Aatmaas are, although mistakenly taken as multiple by the ignorant, are in fact unified into one cosmic soul.)
Whether Doer and Seer are separate or unified, the individual human being remains a doer and has to take the responsibility of his actions.

Geeta does recognize the importance of the Doer-ness
In a very welcome message of Geeta “you should uplift yourself” Aatman and Aatmaa are used for the whole personality of the addressee.
 “You shall uplift yourself and not let down you go|
   You are your only friend and you are the only foe|” (6.5)
 “One, who struggles and wins his autonomy, becomes his own friend|
   and one, who is not in his own control, becomes his own foe|” (6.6)

In my opinion this is the best preaching of Geeta. It is very contrasting with its almost single point program viz. ‘Dissolution of Ego.’ This is because which factor within us can ensure that, we are in control of ourselves? It can not be any other than ego. “I am warrior therefore I must fight” “I am a saint therefore I must keep away from war” “I am judicious I ought to be impartial.” It is such identifications that make us decisive.

 Who can be addressee of any preaching? One who can resolutely gather his volition for the preached ‘duty’ and against the ‘temptations’ that stray away from it, can meaningfully be the addressee of a preaching.

Pure-witness can not do things like uplifting or letting down. It can not be either a friend or a foe. It can not struggle against itself and win itself. It is addressee’s Ego that must tame the addressee’s Mind to follow addressee’s Intellect. That is how a person can win autonomy i.e. self-control. This the meaning of (6.6)

Such autonomous person ought to enhance himself materially and morally and refrain from harming himself materially and morally. He should seek his Svadharma (duty unto oneself) in the unique way as demanded by his unique constitution and situation.

 Occurrence of such endeavor-oriented (Pravruittivaadi) stanzas in Geeta is rare while most of the text remains withdrawal-oriented (Nivruttivaadi)

What should be the role of Ego?
India has suffered disastrous effect of this as each praise of Aatmaa is taken by Ahankar as its own praise. Instead of diffusing itself in Aatmaa and becoming Akarta ,the Ahankar on the contrary has tended to become
Na-karta (‘indolent’ and evader of action), i.e. not acting even when it is a duty.

What should happen to Ego? It is clear that for morality and justice we need a strong Ego while for spiritual accomplishment, we need to dissolve it. How one does switch these attitudes? Art of switching these attitudes at proper junctures in life would be the true art of living. Geeta However goes on switching its own position in its heterogeneous metaphysics but fails to teach the pursuer as to when and how to switch his/her attitude. 

If ontological status of Doer is relegated to naught, who then remains as owner of responsibility? 

Friday, June 19, 2015



In a lighter vein

In waiting room of a psychiatrist
Receptionist: “You seem to be here for the first time. Are you an agent or a patient?”
Patient: “I am rather impatient!”
Receptionist: “Tell that to the doctor. Your number is 23”

Foreigner Economist: “Is India moving towards a free economy?”
Lay-person: “No Sir. In fact more and more things are being charged

Logician: “Round Square, Oblique Square are all contradictions”
Engineer: “Oblique Square is lesser a contradiction”
Logician: “What can be lesser in a contradiction?”
Engineer: “the cost of repairing the contradiction, Sir.”

Shop-keeper: I have given you all items as per your list
Customer     : That’s fine but where is Free-Cholesterol that I am supposed
                       to get along with cooking oil!

Height of Homoeopathy: Birth control by ‘potentized’ semen.

Height of Sadism: Place & process are actually the same. ‘Victims’ are those 
who got hell & those who got heaven, ‘Persecutors’.

'Missed call' is a misnomer.  Call hits metering is missed.


     Only option is no option
     Therefore 1 = 0

Nobody is perfect
I am nobody
Therefore, I am perfect!

Set - 4 - Answers

1) Honesty = Transparency of purpose & commitment to it
    Sincerity = Intensity & persistence of effort

2) Indifference = Having no preference & no reaction
    Equanimity = Even though there is an ‘anti’ consequence, reacting  
                              to it as calmly as if it were a ‘pro’ one.

3)    Comfort = Physically agreeable/satisfying conditions + protected feeing
Luxury  = Shining, Glory exhibiting, Overpriced hence unaffordable to  

 4) Esteem = Sense of intrinsic self-worth
     Prestige = Socially recognized honor

4)    Disaster = Actual collapsing
Crisis   = Condition of cumulative disequilibrium leading to a disaster

5)    Mission  = A project that makes one’s life worth living
Ambition = Achieving ‘greatness’ of the self itself becomes a mission
6)    Knowledge = an involved event in knower’s consciousness linking to    
Information = indifferently usable component of knowledge encoded &  
                 inscribed onto an external medium (or brain itself in case  
                 of ‘by hearted’ information.)

7)    Equation = True for particular values of unknown variables
Identity   = True for all values of variables   
   9)  Wish = Desiring that a particular event should occur
         Will  = Commitment to put one’s efforts to bring about that event and also
                      having the know-how
  10) Situation           = A possible episode temporally impending
        Circumstances = Set of steady state conditions having causal potential

Set - 5

Excercises for clarity & brevity

Many a time we use two terms interchangeably but they contain a crucial difference. Some other pairs are such that we know that there is difference but we have not articulated it words. We can sharpen our ability to distinguish if we try our best to define both terms, with respect to each other, in minimum number of words. Please try to do it for pairs given below. My answers will be published on next Friday. My answers need not be the best ones. May be yours are still better. Please let me know as to where I need improvement.

1)    Consultant & Counselor
2)      Permanence & Eternity
3)      Sign & Symbol
4)      Radical & Extremist
5)      Critical & Skeptic
6)      Mathematics & Statistics
7)      Vowels & Consonants
8)      Retaliation & Retribution
9)      Cause & Occasion
10)  Superfluous & Excessive

Fair Prices OR Fair Process of Exchange?

        [I am presenting my contributions to theory, philosophical or otherwise, under 
        the  label ‘my contributions’. I would like to get these articles appreciated as 
        well as  critically reviewed by lay-persons & experts too. If convinced I am 

        ready to modify my positions acknowledging the critics.]

One extreme position about this is, any exchange is fair as long as it is truly a voluntary one; regardless of the proportions of the values exchanged. Another extreme position is that an exchange can not be fair if the things that are exchanged are not exactly equivalent i.e. of exactly same ‘exchange value’.

The condition of being voluntary is necessary but does not seem to be sufficient one. It is necessary because forced exchange is already an injustice irrespective of the degree of non-equivalence in the exchanged goods. It does not seem reasonable however that no heed ought to be paid to the values and the difference between the values.

Before formulating reasonable conditions of fair exchange we must also observe that, the condition that is posed by the other extreme position namely that of exact equivalence seems to be an unnecessary one. Divisions of Labor and Exchange (in some form or the other) are phenomena that are essential to human civilization as such. We have always been exchanging things and progressing through exchange. It would have been impossible if everyone had waited until she finds an exactly equivalent offer.

So what are the conditions under which we can say that an exchange is fair? I am suggesting the following answer that the conditions that can be reasonably expected by the parties that are entering into actual transaction and anyone having the ‘sense of fairness’ would also feel convinced that transaction could be called a ‘fair’ one.

1)    Both partners enter into it voluntarily i.e. without being threatened by a threat that is other than, “what if the offers in the transaction are withdrawn.” i.e. “what if transaction does not materialize.”

2)    Both partners feel that it is better to take in return than to make their demanded things all by themselves singularly or in other words exchange is better than self-reliance.

3)    As an explicated paraphrase of point no.2, both partners should feel that the algebraic sum of negative utilities incurred in producing the thing to be given and positive utilizes gained from the thing that they are going to get in return, is positive (benefit>cost) to both sides.
4)    Both partners should feel that they are entering into the transaction with the best offer within the available offers at the time of the transaction and that multiple possibilities are actually available to make such comparison.

5)    Both partners should feel that whatever that was promised by the other vide her offer, would actually be delivered as promised.

The point is that it is not a necessary condition that the exchanged goods have to be of exactly or even nearly of same value, for a transaction to be fair. If I am getting benefited sufficiently I have no reason to be spiteful about the case that the other got more benefited. What we actually need is a mutual super-valence and not equivalence.

It should also be noted that even if we insist upon equivalence that does not at all ensure Equality. Suppose by some political system only such exchanges are allowed which are exactly, or at least nearly, equivalent and therefore will be equivalent within itself. But we do not know as to how many and how big transactions are made by each citizen.

The pairs who enter into more transactions and bigger transactions will become much richer than the pairs making less number of transactions and smaller ones. If we want to make the citizens equal we (here this is the royal ‘we’ namely the State) will have to distort the equivalences of the transactions in such a way that benefits incurred by each citizen are equal. We simply can not have Equality and Equivalence at the same time.
Thus the Equivalence is neither useful in bringing about Equality nor necessary for transactions to be Fair. If the authenticity of consent is doubtful or any of the five conditions are not fulfilled then the exchange might be exploitative.

However there are some egalitarians who believe that only equal (equivalent) exchanges would ensure equality.

Now the question arises as to how are we going to determine the degrees of contributions, before we judge whether they turn out to be ‘over’ or ‘under’ with respect to the receipts of value? Is there any method of merit-rating by third-party and dispassionate observer who has, at her service, a standard conversion table, agreed by all concerned?
We can intuitively make some statements for example, the Music-composer’s contribution is more than that of a mere performer who, of course very skillfully plays or sings the notation given by the composer. Even the negative utilities borne while working can be so judged. One can confidently say that a heavy vehicle driver’s job is more strenuous when she drives on two lanes high-way without any road divider, as compared to the driver on a six-lane highway with a wide, tall and sturdy road divider.

First, such ‘uncontroversial’ statements can not be made, about all jobs. Second, such statements are ordinal and not cardinal, that is to say that when we say ‘certainly more strenuous’ we can not say ‘exactly, say 3.7 times strenuous’. It can not be conceived that a consensus algorithm of merit rating can ever exist. For one thing is sure that labor required in evaluating labor should not be more than the labor to be evaluated because all contributors will lose their entire wage in paying for the evaluators’ wages and further, who is going to evaluate the evaluator’s wages?!

There is another problem too. Let us assume that we have somehow worked out relative merit rating of all the employees within a firm and also somehow determined  how much share in value-added should go to labor. The question remains as to whether the value appropriated at the firm (which is empirically available) was entirely generated in the firm or partly or fully generated in an ‘exploited firm’ or had been partly or fully sucked out by some ‘exploiter-firm’? This bring us to the question of whether the output-prices got by the firm and input-prices it had to pay to other firms, were ‘Fair’ or otherwise? So let us turn to the curiosum called ‘Fair Prices’.

Can We Objectively Derive a Configuration of Non-Exploitative Prices? 
The Statist socialism assumes that ‘Just distribution’ can be calculated objectively and then it remains an issue of political will to implement it. Why State would have such political will is rather mysterious. However assuming that such ‘will’ can exist and also can retain the power to execute itself, we must ask, whether it is at all possible, without referring to the subjective preferences of economic actors, to arrive at justice-rendering prices by using objective data which is available, pertaining to technical ratios of various inputs and outputs, in physical terms?  

In an attempt to derive price on the basis of production cost, along with the set of quantities of various inputs, we have to use set of prices/unit (rates) of each input. Now the question is, should all these datum-prices of inputs should be deemed as ‘fair’ or not? If we claim that they are ‘fair’ we have to prove that separately. This gets us back to square one. If we do not claim so then the computed cost itself could not be assumed as fair.

Now let us turn our attention to the list of quantities of inputs. The question is that whether these quantities were those which actually got expended in a particular case or these quantities are those which should be reasonably required and hence allowable? Due to ignorance or laxity (or indifference if she was getting it for free) the producer could have wastefully consumed the inputs. It would then be unfair to the customer if she gets taxed on account of the unnecessary overages allowed by the producer. Thus the question again becomes a normative one. What is the ‘fair’ efficiency at which the producer ought to perform? Suppose we agree (amongst whom?) upon standard technical ratios of physical inputs. Still the problem remains far from being solved.

Whatever standard technical ratios are assumed for all the physical inputs (miles per gallon, bytes/millisecond, plants/liter, etc), their conversion depends on the ‘factor-inputs’ namely labor and capital. We now have to normatively agree upon a ‘fair’ capital cost and a ‘fair’ labor cost. Let us analyze labor cost in detail as it is more relevant to the main theme i.e. Exploitation.

Per unit labor-cost of a product is a function of four variables.

1. How much units of ‘employment-time’ is required for producing one unit  
    of the product?
2. What is the wage rate/unit-time?
3. What is the work intensity at which the worker is made to work in terms  
    of ‘exertion’/ unit time (of employment)?
4. Productivity of the process used by the worker in terms of physical unit  
    output/workload required. For example surface area to be painted/ per   
    standard-exertion-time units, is the productivity of the process of painting.

For this we have to have a huge standard-table which converts drudgery and other negative utilities involved in every work element into allowable deployment time to perform each element which gives, in ‘weighted’ time units for the ‘fair’-exertion Say spray painting will be more productive than painting by a brush. Now the formula for per unit labor cost is
                                            Employment-Time x Wage-Rate
       Labor cost per unit =   -----------------------------------------
                                            Work-Intensity x Process-Productivity

The interesting part is that the same labor-cost/unit can be achieved by many combinations of the four variables. For example a combination of high Wage-Rate and high Process-Productivity with low Employment-Time and low Work-Intensity is most favorable to the worker in the employment.

To the contrary, low productivity, high work-intensity and low wage-rate will be the most adverse condition for the worker. Thus even if we agree upon a fair-labor-cost/unit, the degree of exploitation of labor (or reverse exploitation in some cases) remains fully open, in other words, indeterminate.

Further, even if we somehow ensure that all firms are getting ‘fair-prices’ and eliminate the issue of firm to firm exploitation from the argument, the question arises as to how much the workers in the firm can claim their share in the process-productivity of the firm. In fact one cause of higher process-productivity is the capital-intensity of the firm.

If all the credit of higher value-added is attributed to the capital intensity, then in fact workers in the firm lose their contributory claim over the value added. But even this can not be made into a general rule because many a process-improving innovations do not require augmentation in capital intensity. The credit of innovation can not be claimed by all workers in the firm or even perhaps none of them as it might have come from an outside consultant as well.

Let us assume, for the sake of argument that we somehow politically achieve the goal of labor to labor equality so that wage rates and work-intensities are identical for all products. Process-productivities, however, are in heterogeneous physical units. How to compare them with each other? For the same pair of output/input we can compare process productivities before and after an innovation. But how can we quantitatively compare input/output ratios of heterogeneous pairs? Kilometers/liter, megabytes/second, irrigation water/acre, electrical transmission/kg of copper, Pesticides required/unit crop (before and after ‘GE seeds’) and so on.
Comparing physically heterogeneous ratios has to be in terms of utility to humans and that is precisely the curious thing called ‘price’. Although the price-tag is attached to commodities the price is not, really speaking an attribute of commodities but of people. Price represents a set of proportions, of other goods that buyers are ready to forgo against the thing they buy. So we are again back to square-one.

The other significant factor namely capital is no less complicated. Rates of interest or profit are in terms of money/capital duration. The capital that is recycled fast can go through many turnovers in one year. Long term capital has different rate of its recovery. A very doubtful and controversial component of capital-cost is depreciation. Normatively allowed (by tax authorities) rates of depreciation and rates of actual wearing out of capital goods are too much divergent.

In case of capital there are speculative investors or steady investors. From all this, computing capital-cost/unit of a commodity, is really challenging. Again the question remains as to whether the capital was diligently utilized or otherwise. Even in a doctrinaire socialist calculation, where capital is taken as non-contributive, the question of effective utilization of resources can not be disregarded all together. At rate of profit as zero all degrees of utilization get multiplied by zero. Thus the question of diligent utilization gets eliminated from calculation but remains very much affecting in practice.

There is a dilemma involved in the very idea of computing ‘fair’ prices based on cost of production. If stipulated prices are proportional to cost incurred, what incentive is left to producers to minimize cost? How the so inflated prices will remain affordable to the customers? On the other hand, if we stipulate incentives for cost saving, what are we doing something radically different than market?

Let us now ponder over the possibility of need-based conception of ‘fair’ prices. This involves political decisions or policies, which sets a preference order of various needs as per the idea of ‘good of all’. Obvious choice, in context of Equality would be that, the basic needs should get highest weightage. If higher weightage corresponds to higher price then the goods that satiate basic needs will become highly priced. This is obviously harmful to the lower income strata. This means that higher weightage should imply lower prices. If prices of basic-need-goods are kept as low as possible, this will de-motivate the producers of the basic-need-goods. This will cause lowering of the production of basic-need-goods. If prices remain low but goods are actually not available, it harms the lower strata more intensely. (This typically happened in Soviet Union.) Therefore State can not go on protecting the consumers’ interests at the cost of producers’ interests. It is an act of balancing the interests of both parties that is required.

Price affects the income of some party in one way but it, at the same time, can not but affect the expenditure of the other party in exactly reverse way. Every income is composed of some expenditure by some others and by same logic; any expenditure goes into the income of some others.

There have been very tedious efforts made by economists to solve this problem. Suppose N numbers of commodities are being produced, each requires other commodities as inputs in some quantities. (the non required ones can be assigned their quantities as zero) A huge matrix is constructed by assigning all physical ratios. To find out N unknown variables you require N simultaneous equations. But we have at least N+2 unknowns including labor-cost and capital cost. As we saw earlier that one variable of labor cost contains four more unknown factors. Similarly capital too will have its internal unknowns. Thus as there are far too many variables than the number of simultaneous equations that can be conceivably constructed, let alone being actually constructed, Problem of Deriving Fair-Prices is unsolvable.  
[note: The impossibility of deriving predetermined fair-prices is a daunting problem faced by egalitarianism. But it must be noted that if anyone is professing any sort of artificial Meritocracy will also face the same problem. Thus it is not possible to impose either equality or Meritocracy from above.] 

We failed in our effort of constructing price determining tool because we avoided the very domain in which prices actually get determined, namely the Subjectivities of the Economic Actors.
But then another question arises. If the subjectivities are brought in, will it not be succumbing to relativism and hence lose hope of coming to some objective criteria of fairness?

No. We can and we shall spell out objective criteria by defining the sorts of ‘inter-subjectivities’ involved by shifting our focus from fairness of the outcomes to fairness of the Process.